Design Purchase Amaze


AVNT is Taiwan‘s premier Interior Design and Purchasing Consultancy for Art and Furnishing. We work for discerning families, leading construction companies and enterprises like hotels and restaurants.


Since 2014, AVNT has been part of the team behind many of Taiwan’s most prestigious residential projects. Working as the liaison between Taiwanese customer and the international designers and brands, we help ensure the projects are run smoothly and produces the most amazing value.

Private Homes

We help discerning customers to create their perfect living spaces.

Show Apartments

Seeing is believing. When a new residential building is being built we want to show what a fantastic place to live it can be. We work with the best designers and fantastic brands to provide a vision.

Public Spaces

Buildings also need fantastic public spaces like a lobbies, dining areas, swimming pools, gyms etc.


We bring some amazing brands to Taiwan.


Art in Public Spaces

A beautiful home requires a beautiful exterior as well. We work with construction companies to define what kind of art is needed, contact a selection of artists and then manage the project to completion.


Interior Spaces & Experiences

Cu omnium propriae mel. Eum detracto suscipit ut, et vix splendide scriptorem. His exerci integre moderatius et, ea vis zril choro deseruisse. Ea qui omnesque mnesarchum liberavisse. Ei mei unum lorem, te nam velit philosophia